From Us To You

From Us to You March 2024 It looks like Punxsutawney Phil was right this year! With above average temperatures, and below average snowfall, it’s easy to see how we could...
We love our listeners! I know it seems like February is all about “love” and so it seems like the natural thing to say during this month…but we really mean...
Bright or bleak? Bullish or bearish? No, I am not talking about the stock market… I am talking about the future. If you watch the talking heads, it is very...
Recently, I was giving a tour of the WRGN studios to a young couple. As we wrapped up, I was asked a two-part question: what is your greatest joy in ministry at WRGN, and what is your greatest challenge? What great questions!
Despite the way things look at times in the world, we have much to be thankful for! I write this just days after a wonderful Share-A-Thon where we encouraged you to tell YOUR story! Every one of them reminded us not only why we do what we do at WRGN, but how what we do has impacted so many lives over the past 39 years. Your testimonies of God's faithfulness in your own lives also reminded us of His faithfulness in the ministry here. God continues to provide as He always does, as more and more people join in giving through the rest of the year. 
I love the church! When I say that, I don't mean I love MY church, I mean I love the "Big C" church. The Bible talks about Christ loving the church so much that he gave himself for it (Ephesians 5:25-32). That's a lot of love! It's a love that doesn't come easy to us, but neither is it optional for us.
During this time of the year, my wife and I sometimes sit in the backyard looking up at the sky on a clear night. As we watch the stars twinkle and peer into the depth of the universe, our conversations can turn deep as well. We contemplate many things as we chat in our chairs. Consider. Ponder. Think about. That's what the psalmist asks us to do in Psalm 8:3. What is he asking us to think about?
I don't know about you, but for Heather and me, summertime is porch time! We eat our meals there listening to the birds chattering at the feeder; we relax there in the evening and watch the fireflies blinking in the trees. Any opportunity finds us either sitting on the porch together, or Heather tending to her flowers that decorate it. These simple pleasures bring peace to our summer days, all the while in the back of our mind knowing that all too soon the busyness of autumn will begin.
Summertime and the livin' is easy! Okay, that may be your dream, but not necessarily your reality this summer! Here at the WRGN studios, it does seem like things slow down just a little bit for a month or so before things really kick up in the fall. The song that phrase comes from was written by...
You've heard the phrase "cleanliness is next to godliness," right? No, it's not in the Bible–although the earliest mention of it is from the great preacher, John Wesley. In 1791 he wrote "...cleanliness is indeed next to godliness." That phrase popped into my mind when I was reading from 2 Timothy 3 recently.