From Us to You March 2024

It looks like Punxsutawney Phil was right this year! With above average temperatures, and below average snowfall, it’s easy to see how we could get fooled into thinking that spring has sprung! No, this is not a weather forecast, but a reminder to us of how easily the circumstances around us can lead us to believe something that is not necessarily true. Could we still have a snowfall or even two? Of course we could! Now, before you move on to another article in the newsletter because you’re ready for spring, hear me out! I was reading recently in 2 Timothy 3:1 where it says “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.” This passage is definitely not all sunshine and flowers! If you read the chapter, you will see that it goes on to describe many of the things that we see going on around us every day. 


Unfortunately, the list of lies and deceit are not just occurring outside the walls of the church, but can happen inside as well. This passage not only warns about the evil people on the outside, but the imposters inside. So, how do we keep ourselves from being deceived? The answer to that question is found at the end of the passage; start at a young age to study and understand God’s word (verse 15.)


Here at WRGN, we are doing our part to help you and your family grow in your faith and be grounded in His word! From Saturday morning kids programs that teach Godly character, music that glorifies God, Biblicallybased teaching from trusted expositors, and news and commentary from a Christian perspective ⁠— we seek to “equip you for every good work (verse 17)! Many of you have joined with us as partners in this ministry, and for that we say thank you. Beyond your giving, we also challenge you to share the ministry of WRGN with others. We have cards designed to help you do this, all you have to do is give us a call and ask us to send you some. They’re great to leave with your (generous) tip in a restaurant or to share with someone you want to encourage. It’s better than sunshine and flowers, because the potential value is eternal!