We love our listeners! I know it seems like February is all about “love” and so it seems like the natural thing to say during this month…but we really mean it! We are so blessed to have listeners that interact with us on a daily basis on programs like “Connect Live” and others who text or message, and some who stop by the studios to use the Good News Library. These calls, texts, and visits mean so much to us!

We know you appreciate the music and message on WRGN, and we want you to know how much we appreciate you! I think of Paul’s words to the Philippians when he says “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you…” (Philippians 1:3). We are so blessed to have so many listeners like you who care enough to make the ministry of WRGN possible through your giving. It’s not just the financial support though. So many of you contact us throughout the year to tell us that you are praying for us and we need to hear that as well.

Know that we pray for you too! In fact, Philippians 1 goes on to say in verse 9; “And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more…” It is because of your partnership with us in sharing the Gospel and resourcing families and individuals that this ministry continues “from the first day until now…”

Thank you! We love you!

Tim Madeira
General Manager