New At The Library

Over 14,000 books and DVD’s are available to Good News Library members. The cost of joining the library is $5.00 per year. The library is open to the public.

Two classic books in one are “In His Steps,” and “What Would Jesus Do?” These books are among the most popular Christian books ever printed. They challenge readers to make a difference in a hurting world.

A DVD entitled, “Martin Luther,” shows how Luther revolutionized the Church and offered the Christian world a new vision of man’s relationship with God and, in turn, redefined man’s relationship with authority in general.

In her book, “What Happened to My Life?” Danna Demetre says you don’t need to feel too busy, or worry, or let disappointments in life drain your joy. She presents a 40 day plan for reclaiming your life.

The DVD, “ Romero,” is a compelling and deeply moving look at the life of Archbishop Oscar Romero, of El Salvador. He went from an apolitical, complacent priest to a committed leader of the Salvadoran people.

Bobby Bowden’s life is told in the DVD, “Bobby Bowden - A Winning Way.” This is a behind the scenes look at this coaching giant as he shares the keys to what makes a winner in life.

Forty topics, spiritual insights and easy to use action steps are included in the book, “The Quick Reference Guide to Sexuality & Relationship Counseling.” This guide gives pastors, counselors, and everyday believers the information they need to help people with their most intimate issues.

Battling his own personal demons, Police Chief, Jonah Westfall experiences the dark side of life and is committed to eradicating it. A gruesome act, escalating of crime and destruction of tranquility leads him to a mysterious investigation. The story is told in the fiction book, “Invisible.”